Adobe Illustrator File Conversion Fee
Fee to convert an Adobe Illustrator AI file to a DXF cut path file or BMP engraving file (or both). Please make sure artwork is full scale and that all text has been turned into outlines. The AI file can be uploaded in the LASER CUTTING QUOTATION REQUEST.
Fee to convert an Adobe Illustrator AI file to a DXF cut path file or BMP engraving file (or both). Please make sure artwork is full scale and that all text has been turned into outlines. The AI file can be uploaded in the LASER CUTTING QUOTATION REQUEST.
Fee to convert an Adobe Illustrator AI file to a DXF cut path file or BMP engraving file (or both). Please make sure artwork is full scale and that all text has been turned into outlines. The AI file can be uploaded in the LASER CUTTING QUOTATION REQUEST.